Smoking has a number of adverse effects. Most of them can lead to life-threatening diseases. It is extremely injurious for health. Although the government tries to refrain people from smoking the consumption of cigarettes goes on increasing with each passing day. Every day various new cigarette brands are introduced in the market. They use attractive cigarette boxes to package their products. Cigarette box printing plays an important role in grasping the attention of the young generation. This makes them inclined towards the use of the product and they just forget how harmful smoking is for health they also forget what is physiological effects of smoking. A single cigarette case is a start of making you a chain smoker for a lifetime. To know more about the harmful effects of smoking wikipedia.
Below are some of the common side effects of smoking and ways to prevent them:

Side Effects of Smoking / Short Term Effects of Smoking
Lung damage:
Smoking effects on lungs as well as smoking directly affects lung health. This is because a person breathes in nicotine and a variety of additional harmful chemicals. According to research, the probability of developing lung cancer in a smoker is 25% greater than a non-smoker. CDC reports also states that 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths is due to smoking. It is the reason that warning of lung cancer is printed on custom cigarette boxes to keep people away from it. Smoking may also lead to other destructive diseases emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma attack.
Heart disease:
It is another major disease mentioned on cardboard cigarette boxes. Smoking damages the heart, blood cells, and blood vessels. The tar and other chemicals in cigarettes increase the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels. This limits the blood flow which may lead to fatal blockages, blood clots, angina attacks, and a stroke or chest pain. Smoking may also lead to peripheral artery disease (PAD). In it, the arteries reaching arms and legs narrow down, restricting the blood flow.
Fertility problems:
Tobacco and other chemicals found in cigarette affect the hormone level. This may lead to damage in female’s reproductive system making it difficult to get pregnant. It also affects the quality of sperms in men, thus reducing fertility. Moreover, smoking also increases the chance of ectopic pregnancy and cause a decrease in baby birth weight.
Risk of Type 2 diabetes:
The CDC report concluded that the people who smoke regularly face 30-40% higher risk of type 2 diabetes as compared to a non-smoker. Smoking makes it difficult for people with diabetes to manage the condition well.
Weaken the immune system:
Smoking damages the immune system of a person, making him more susceptible to illness. It may cause inflammation in the body and different vision problems like cataracts, dry eyes, and glaucoma. The person may suffer from poor oral hygiene which may lead to a number of gums problem like loose teeth, sensitivity, bleeding, and swollen gums. It also limits the ability of a person to smell and taste properly. A smoker also faces unhealthy skin and severe hair damage leading to baldness.
Risk of other cancers:
In addition to the well-documented lung cancer, smoking also contributes to other forms of cancer like bladder cancer, stomach cancer, mouth and throat cancer, kidney cancer and liver cancer, etc. All such information is printed on custom cigarette packaging to make people aware of its effects.
How to Prevent the Side Effects of Smoking
The most important thing if you want to stop smoking or stay away from its effects is counseling. Counseling makes it possible for smokers to cope up with the psychological and physical aspects of smoking. The smokers should join support groups or visit a therapist to avoid the damages which may cause to their health.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy:
As a person decides to quit smoking, he may face a number of nicotine withdrawal symptoms like intense craving, nausea, dizziness, headache or abdominal discomfort which may last for weeks. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is beneficial in preventing these effects. The person is motivated to stop the use of tobacco and use chewing gum, skin patches, inhalators, tablets, nasal or mouth sprays which contain a much smaller amount of nicotine.
Different types of medicines are there to treat nicotine withdrawal symptoms like Varenicline and Bupropion. A recent study made in the field of Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry concluded that the impact of oxidants in honey can also help in preventing the effects of smoking. Instead of directly inhaling the tobacco smoke, the use of E-cigarettes can minimize its impact. They contain less nicotine and are consumed as vapors. They are free from other harmful substances contained by tobacco products.
Smoking Effects Pictures
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